Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Attack of Animals: Again!

(He looks cute, right? Wrong. Dead wrong.)

You may know this bear from the recent Will Ferrell movie, "Semi-Pro."  Oh he may look like a cute, cuddly bear, but he is no such thing.  This is a ferocious man-eater who recently attacked and killed his trainer.  This goes along with past posts of attacking animals.  First it was sea creatures, then Ligers grew in numbers and size, and now Hollywood animals are attacking. These Hollywood trained animals are using their learned capabilities of playing instruments and balancing on rainbow colored balls to attack like never before.  After years of attentive care and bonding with his trainer, Rocky finally cracked and attacked and killed his trainer.  Animals everywhere are attacking humans, the only question is who will be the next victim.

In defense of Rocky, why do these people continuously try to tame giant animals with razor sharp claws and teeth.  Who grows up wanting to train bears and tigers to do summersaults and other dumb shit like that.  I mean, I'd love to have a pet tiger or alligator or some other exotic creature, but I didn't grow up dreaming of training them.   You think after Sigfried or whichever one of those white tiger loving freaks was attacked other trainers would have learned their lesson.  But nooooo. They had to keep on pushing those poor animals to the brink of attack.  Well, this trainer learned his lesson, the hard way - death.  

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