Thursday, April 17, 2008

Todd's Stories #3

It was a warm June morning (possibly). The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I was excited as ever. It was a day I would always remember, but for all of the wrong reasons....

I woke up that morning with a smile on my face. I'd been looking forward to this day for quite some tune. It was my first chance to play at Flushing Meadows, and possibly my last. To be able to play on the courts of the U.S. Open, the place where some of the greatest tennis players of all time and some of my personal favorites had played was like a dream come true to me. I was going to step on the same court that Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi, Jimmy Connors, and many other legends had played. That was, until the day took a turn for the worse.

I hopped out of bed and began my morning routine. I got dressed in the best tennis attire I owned and laced up my New Balances. I wasn't that hungry but I knew I had to have something. The last thing I wanted to do was to show up to the tournament famished with little to no energy. My mom had bought bagels the previous day so I decided that was what I was going to have. After all, all great athletes know to carbo-load before a big event. However, a plain bagel is too boring for me, so I decided to spice it up with some cream cheese. I began to spread the cream cheese on the bagel when the next thing I knew I was lying on the floor looking up at my father's and brother's shocked faces. I had fainted!

Due to the fact that I slammed my head on the ground I had to go to the hospital. Right before my brother and father were to help me get out of the car I vomited all over the back seat of the car. Due to the concussion I had sustained that would not be the last time I vomited. In fact, over the next few days I vomited more than I ever thought physically possible. Anyway, I was wheel chaired into the hospital and had to spend the next few hours there where I had numerous heart and brain tests taken. In the week to come I would have even more. The worst part was that nothing was wrong with me and still to this day I don't know why I fainted.

Needless to say I missed my big match. The day I had longed for oh so badly slipped through my fingers. My date with destiny was postponed, but fortunately I was able to play at Flushing Meadows the next year. However, my dreams were still crushed that day I fainted, along with the back of my head.

The moral of the story is have someone spread the cream cheese on your bagel for you the day of a big event. Also, getting concussions sucks and can make you vomit wildly.

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