Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Will it be a Legend?

Just a few moments ago my heart both fluttered with happiness and dropped right out of my chest. That is because I just found out that one of the greatest video games of all times and one of my personal favorites is being made into a movie. The Legend of Zelda is coming to the big screen. The fact that such a great game is getting the recognition it deserves is where the happiness comes from. The sadness comes from the fact that a) it might not be good, b) I am not playing Link, c) I am not directing the movie, and d) I did not write it. If the directors, producers and actors mess this up they are going to have to hear from Todder's Playhouse. If one of the greatest games of all time is not done justice the Todder's Playhouse will no longer be Todder's Playhouse, it will become Todder's Painhouse. Rather than a place of enjoyment and education, it will become a place of tirades and destruction on all those that did a disservice to legendary Legend of Zelda.

I also just learned this might be an April's Fools joke (I already wrote all of this so it's too late to turn back). If it is an April Fools joke I only fell for it out of excitement and love for the game. If it's not an April's Fools joke this better at least be entertaining.

1 comment:

Tom Dioguardi said...

todder you fell for that? i expected better from you