Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Answer for Ben

One of the Bens asks:

Would it be possible for you to make todder's playhouse t-shirts,
and then have contests where the winner gets a shirt? I'd recommend
a big picture of your bearded face on a t-shirt with todder's playhouse
on the back.

At the very least you could have a competition about thinking of a cool
slogan for the site and/or the future t-shirts. Some brief suggestions...
"Todder's advice...unshaved"
"Todder's Playhouse, no Bics allowed"
"Educating you one handle bar mustache at a time"
"A place to pick out your belly button lint"

I think both ideas are great. As far as the t-shirt goes I think that is a perfect way to get people to respond more and to show their loyalty. To the people I deem loyal and who do the most getting the name of Todder's Playhouse out there and responding to posts they will receive a shirt. There may be future contests for shirts as well, but for now the people that get numerous people to come and read Todder's Playhouse will receive a shirt with a picture of yours truly on it. This will not be easy however. You will have to earn your shirt. To be able to wear a shirt with my face on it is an honor, and it is an honor that that is not taken lightly. It will take more than a mere couple of days of work for Todder's Playhouse to earn a shirt. Your loyalty and passion for the playhouse will have to be consistent and strong. That being said if you truly show your undying support for Todder's Playhouse you will certainly be worthy of a shirt.

I also like the idea of the slogan competition. This will probably be implemented very soon. All great blogs have catchy slogans so why shouldn't Todder's Playhouse be any different? What's a good blog if not a catchy and memorable slogan? Plus, by giving my fans a chance to compete by creating slogans it makes you them feel even more a part of the playhouse, which is one of the playhouse's ultimate goals. Not only that but if fans make it then fans will like it, and if fans like it that means they are more frequently going to read the blog, as well as tell others about it. And those are some great examples you have given, or at least springboards to bigger and better slogans.

Overall, you have done a great job Ben, whichever Ben you are. This is the type of progressive, forward thinking we need at the playhouse. Keep this up and I might make you some sort of chief of forward thinking or something like that. And you'll certainly be getting a t-shirt if there's more stuff like this to come. For those of you besides Ben reading this you should take some notes. Your ideas and thoughts are greatly valued here at Todder's Playhouse and I love to hear them. Don't be shy. The more creativity flowing through this site the greater it can be. I want to go straight to the top, and with everyones help I believe we can make that happen.

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