Friday, April 25, 2008

Answer for yet another anonymous

Anonymous writes:

Is it true people grow beards to prove they are manly when they have small penis?

First of all, if you are going to make a direct shot at beard growers (probably because you can't grow one yourself) you might as well come out and announce who you are. You can't go and make a low-blow at those with facial hair without admitting who you are.

To get to your question, there have actually been many studies done by famous researchers such as Bandera and Laslow which show quite the opposite. Their is a direct correlation between the length of your beard and your beard growing capabilities to the amount of testosterone your body makes. As such, the higher testosterone you have the faster your beard grows. Coincidentally, high levels of testosterone also leads to larger penises. Although there are exceptions (myself not being one of them) in general the longer the beard the longer the shaft.

From now on, let's try and leave the childish questions behind ok. This is a place of education, not a place of beard blasphemy, so get something real next time.

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