Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Breaking 200

Everyone knows that bowling is an important part of my past, and is partially responsible for who I am today.  Growing up, bowling was an extremely important part of my childhood.  Every Friday of mine was spent at Armonk Bowl with my friends just laughing and having a good time.  Ever since Armonk Bowl closed it feels like part of my soul has been stolen, but I still dabble in bowling when ever the opportunity arises.

I have always prided myself on being a pretty strong bowler.  Don't get me wrong, I'm no pro.  However, mid-100's are a norm for me, and I think that's pretty good for an amateur bowler.  However, I've always been held down by the fact that I have no curve on my ball, and as such have yet to been able to crack the 200's.  That is, until last night, when the star's aligned for me at Wynnewood Lanes.  

After three warm-up games (they were regular games which I didn't do too well in) I decided to get serious.  I was all loosened up from the practice and a couple of beers (sooo college).  I had recently changed balls and it seemed like I had a picked a good one.  When it was my turn I stepped up, did my thing, and bowled a strike.  No big deal.  Next time around the same thing happened.  And the next.  And the next.  And the next.  That had gotten me my first five bagger in history.  For those of you who don't know, in layman's terms that's five strikes in a row.  Everyone was screaming my name (especially Rob).  All around me the words "the Bod, the Bod" echoed through the lanes.  I heard none of it though.  I was in the zone.  I was on my way to a perfect game.

Things looked good, but perfection was not to occur on this night.  In the sixth frame I bowled a nine, but picked it up and got a spare.  I was a nervous-nelly, scared to mess up, but I kept my composure the best I could.  I dropped off a little bit in the second half, but still had a spare or a strike all the way into the tenth frame.  I screwed up in the tenth frame, but still came away with a 212: The highest score of the night.

This was a magical night for me.  I've always felt I have been weighed down by the fact that I had never broke 200, but no more.  I am now in the 200 club, and I am proud to be there.  The 212 is one of the greatest accomplishments of my life, and one that I will never forget.

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