Monday, April 28, 2008

Divorce Court Starring Gary Coleman

I've never watched Divorce Court before, nor had I ever planned on doing so. However, with the recent news of the divorce of Gary Coleman and Shannon Price, that might all be changing. Apparently the two are taking their marriage woes to the Divorce Court, where they will be discussing such things as Coleman's anger and intimacy issues.

First off, if these two didn't see this coming they might the most naive couple of all time. Coleman is a 4o year old midget who still looks like a little boy. Shannon Price is a 22 year old, pretty unattractive, normal sized woman. What either saw in the other I am not quite sure. They were doomed from the beginning.

(Not exactly a match made in heaven.)

There is one quote from Price I would like to discuss.

"If he doesn't get his way, he throws a temper tantrum like a five-year-old does. He like stomps the floor and yells, 'Meehhhh,' and starts throwing stuff around. He bashes his head in the wall, too."

What'chu talkin' 'bout, Price? I don't know how you didn't notice these things before the marriage, but that's not the point. Of course he acts like a five-year-old, he was a child-actor who played the role of a much younger child, and he still looks five-years old. Besides the wrinkles, you would have no idea he wasn't a child. Come on Price, you have to see these things coming.

Although no divorce is happy, I am sure there are many Coleman fans ready to see the rise of Gary Coleman on Divorce Court. There's no doubt he will be a witty, entertaining, divorcee, and that's why we love him.


Anonymous said...

I have a lot of midget friends and they take offense to what you just said, please issue a statement apologizing for your ignorance.
Midget Lover

The Bod said...

Dear <3 Gary Coleman,
I am not quite sure what you took offense to. I never said anything bad about midgets. I simply stated these two were an odd couple that did not stand much of a chance. I also stated Gary Coleman looked like a little boy, which he does, but I never said that all midgets are like that. I am sorry you took offense to my post, but there is nothing to be offended by. I too love Gary Coleman and would never disrespect the midget community.

Anonymous said...

Your love for Gary Coleman helps stop the bleeding but there are some things you must know about midgets and their community. Gary Coleman is by far the most famous midget, and he represents the entire world of midgets to the rest of us fortunate normal humans. By saying he looks like a little boy you are saying that every midget does. Also by pointing out this divorce you are saying that its impossible for a normal woman to have a relationship with a midget. I know,I know I just put words in your mouth, but so be it.

I'll let this one slide because your love for Gary seems genuine and you meant no harm. But when Emmanuel Lewis' marriage fails you better not laugh...unless hes throwing temper tantrums like a 5 year old because that's HILARIOUS.