Monday, April 21, 2008

Todder's Playhouse Slogan

As you may have seen in an earlier post, one of the Ben's had a great suggestion to have a competition of cool slogans. I am now implementing that idea. In case you missed it, here is what he said:

At the very least you could have a competition about thinking of a cool
slogan for the site and/or the future t-shirts. Some brief suggestions...
"Todder's advice...unshaved"
"Todder's Playhouse, no Bics allowed"
"Educating you one handle bar mustache at a time"
"A place to pick out your belly button lint"

The competition will begin now and last a week. The top five slogans I think are the best will be put into a poll which everyone can then vote on. The winning slogan will then go on the top of the page where it can be seen by all who visit the playhouse. Credit will also be given to the writer. Although I'd love to take the credit for my own, that just wouldn't be nice. So get brainstorming fans. If you think of the winning slogan you can become a big part of Todder's Playhouse, and as such a big part of history.


Anonymous said...

Among the ones I already suggested here are some others...

"Pee Wee doesn't hold a candle to this playhouse"
"No fodder at the playhouse of the Todder"
"Insight from the mind of a belly picker"
"The least likely posts, form the least likely blogger"

In addition to a slogan, maybe have someone design a banner for you with whatever the slogan is included. I have no clue how to do that but I'm sure some of the amazing intellect on this site knows how. This could be done via contest as well.

Tom Dioguardi said...

my slogan for todder's playhouse:

todder's playhouse: kiddie porn

Tom Dioguardi said...

more seriously...

Todder's Playhouse, go strong or get the fuck outta here

Anonymous said...

Todder the king of bloggerdom


Yello? this is Lawn, Tawds nawt here right now

Anonymous said...

Todders Playhouse:
If your not here, your watching porn.

Anonymous said...

Really though .... Todders Playhouse:

Come with insight, leave with knowledge

yesh.... there is is Todder, there it is.